Get to know the Hub LAC

We are the Latin American and Caribbean Evidence Hub (Hub LAC), an organization that works to promote transnational and interdisciplinary collaboration for the institutionalization of evidence-informed decision-making in the Latin American and Caribbean region.

We believe in a future in which the transparent and systematic use of the best available evidence in decision making is part of the daily life of decision makers and citizens, contributing to the construction of a region with equity, prosperity, diversity and in harmony with nature.


Promote cross-national and interdisciplinary collaboration among stakeholders aiming towards the institutionalization of evidence informed policy making (EIPM) in the LAC region.


A dynamic and diverse community that articulates and involves producers, intermediaries and users of knowledge in Latin America and the Caribbean for decision-making informed by the best available evidence.


Love for our region

Scientific rigor

Effective collaboration

Empathic communication


  1. Coordinating efforts towards strengthening national and local institutional capacities in EIPM.
  2. Promoting collective prioritization and action to overcome obstacles and seize opportunities.
  3. Fostering the co-construction of regional standards on concepts and procedures.

Our history

June 2021


Conceptualization of the Latin American and Caribbean Evidence Hub

September 2021

Funding PEERSS

Hub LAC is founded as a partnership between the Unidad de Evidencia y Deliberación para la Toma de decisiones (UNED) at the University of Antióquia in Colombia, the Unidad de Políticas de Salud Informadas por Evidencia in Chile’s Health Ministry and Instituto Veredas in Brazil. Hub LAC will act as the regional representative of the global Learning and Collaboration Hubs (L&C Hubs) initiative, by the Partnership for Evidence and Equity in Responsive Social Systems (PEERSS). More information: 

Meet our partner Hubs in this initiative:


December 2021

The regional cooperation starts by hiring a multidisciplinary and multinational team

From December 2021 to March 2022, the leading organizations (UNED, Minsal and Instituto Veredas) carried out a recruitment process, where different job profiles were studied according to the skills required for this international collaboration.

January 2022

Inspiring conversations

During this period, we focused on interviewing  champions in the evidence-informed policy making from different regions, to extract experiences in the sector and contribute valuable learnings to the Hub LAC mission. Names such as Jorge Barreto (Fiocruz), Ulysses Panisset (EvipNet), Lucy Kuhn (Min.Sal Chile), Cristián Mansilla (McMaster University), Tomás Pantoja (PUC Chile / McMaster Health Forum), Evelina Chapman (OPAS-WHO), and Donald Simeon (CCHSRD) are included in this list.

August 2022

EIPM Ecosystem Workshops 1, 2 and 3

General objective: Convene the Hub LAC partner network through collaborative workshops

Specific objectives: (1) present Hub LAC to participants (vision, mission, values ​​and work perspectives for the region); and (2) promote interaction between Evidence-Informed Policy Making (EIPM) actors in the region to collaboratively produce a broader perspective on regional needs around the production, translation and use of evidence in public policy decision-making.

  • 64 participants
  • 14 countries

Areas: health, education, economy, science and technology, public security and human rights

September 2022

PEERSS global encounter

Hub LAC is invited to participate of Evidence 2022 and joins the PEERSS global encounter in South Africa

October 2022
  • Published national situation diagnoses of evidence ecosystems for BR/CH/COL
  • Shared the first edition of an EIPM Glossary in English, Spanish and Portuguese adapted to the regional LAC context
  • Launched the first edition of our newsletter, dedicated to showcasing regional EIPM initiatives and research
November 2022
  • Coordinated Semana de la Evidencia and enLACe, regional events to showcase regional EIPM initiatives and establish common priorities on promising topics and methodologies. identify priorities and gaps.


2-day regional meeting in virtual format, with panels and presentations broadcast in three languages ​​(Spanish, Portuguese and English)

+350 registrations

21 countries

Among the registrations made were researchers (33%), students (16%), civil society (12%), public policy managers (10%), government representatives (6%) and others (23%). It is worth highlighting female participation, representing approximately 70% of those registered.

All the content remains available on the platform. Access it here:


February 2023
  • The Caribbean Centre for Health Systems Research and Development at the University of the West Indies in Trinidad and Tobago joins the Hub LAC’s leading organizations.
  • Produced rapid national diagnoses of prison systems in partnership with Instituto Veredas for the National Council of Justice and the Penal Policy Management Laboratory (LabGEPEN)
May 2023

Blog I2Insights e Translations

June 2023

2023 EIPM Ecosystem Workshops and EIPM Glossary

Coordinated 2 workshops to analyze evidence ecosystems in health, education, and security in Latin America and the Caribbean: cases of Brazil, Chile, and Colombia.

Objectives: 1. To analyze internal and external factors related to the development of evidence ecosystems in health, education, and security in these countries and 2. To promote a space for dialogue and collaboration to review and discuss the findings of the Evidence Ecosystems Report conducted by Hub LAC between 2022 and 2023.

We also conducted the workshop "Co-constructing the universe of Evidence-Informed Policy (EIP) concepts in Latin America and the Caribbean." The event provided an opportunity for the co-production of contextualized, clear, and applicable definitions of Evidence-Informed Policy (EIP) concepts to establish better communication and understanding of common terms in different contexts in the Latin American and Caribbean region.

September 2023

Participation in international events

Regional representation at events on evidence systems, such as the OTT Conference 2023 and EVIDENCE 2023, and WWGS 2023.

To find out more about our trajectory, also read our Story of Change, where we share our challenges and achievements in forming a regional collaborative Hub with the aim of promoting the use of evidence in public policies in Latin America and the Caribbean.

Technical Collaboration
Funding Administration